Organizing committee
David Ainsworth, KPS, UK
Navi Rajan, TU Delft, Netherlands
Roland Schmehl, TU Delft, Netherlands
Stefanie Thoms (chair), AWEurope, Belgium
Oliver Tulloch, University of Strathclyde, UK
Hong Yue, University of Strathclyde, UK
Program committee
David Ainsworth, KPS, UK
Philip Bechtle, University of Bonn, Germany
Alexander Bormann, EnerKite, Germany
Moritz Diehl, ALU-FR, Germany
Lorenzo Fagiano, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Fort Felker, Makani, USA
Sebastien Gros, NTNU, Norway
Ahmad Hably, Grenoble Institute of Technology, France
Christoph M. Hackl, TU Munich, Germany
Colin Jones, EPFL, Switzerland
Michiel Kruijff, Ampyx Power, Netherlands
Rolf Luchsinger, EMPA/TwingTec, Switzerland
Stephanie Mann, Catapult, UK
Johan Meyers, KU Leuven, Belgium
Espen Oland, Kitemill & UiT, Norway
Johannes Peschel, Kitepower, Netherlands
Kristian Petrick, AWeurope, Netherlands
Gonzalo Sanchez-Arriaga, UC3M, Spain
Roland Schmehl (chair), TU Delft, Netherlands
Roy Smith, ETHZ, Switzerland
Alexandre Trofino Neto, UF Santa Catarina, Brazil
Axelle Viré, TU Delft, Netherlands
Chris Vermillion, NC State University, USA
Hong Yue, University of Strathclyde, UK
Udo Zillmann, AWEurope, Belgium